

 This is a plant of rose and beleive me if your face is good but your body matter too  Your body should be in shape no one can judge you on behalf of your face they judge you on behalf of your overall look so I m not talking about the shape I am talking about how you present your body it's matter so be safe and make your self more confident and improve your personality  Thank you Ravan

White Rose With Rain Drops

 You know what white colour is for pure sign of s friend ship and here I present a friend ship of white flower with friend of rain drop They look good together Because always think about friendship no one can help you where your friends can help you so just teach this things from this post  Thank you, Ravan


  This is shows that you just looks strong  But be polite when someone touches you  And always be happy  Take care of your parents and loved onces Thank you , Ravan .

A Story Of Withered Rose

A Story Of Withered Rose  rose is a beautiful thing which makes you always glow  but no one can understand the pain behind that beautiful and glowing rose you know one thing that when rose are Just sprouted they are surrounded by thrones it feels like when you born and your eyes are just open you saw only thrones near by you no perants no doctors and no nurse it's not going good right so just be like a rose glow everyday and smile every day . Thank you , Ravan .  

A Beautiful Red Rose

  A Beautiful Red Rose a rose has a beautiful journey it always surrounded by thorns  we all have to learn from rose that whenever and whatever a situation are arrived you always  have to grow and always make other happy by glowing 

Rain with flower

rain is a season of love  and other hand white color stand for peace and when both are together it makes peaceful love A small advise from my side for who is in relationship  

Red rose

Rose is a heart of evey person  When you gifted someone a rose they will always happy no matter what ever kind of sechuation are held so just be smile and give a rose to your closer one . Jai hind

Combretum indicum

Always be happy no matter what happened in uour life and always be happy because always remember this is a day this passes and one other day will come with full of happiness and love Thank you , Ravan .

Red and green leaves

This is a leaf and always be a leaf no one notice them but still they are protect the flowers  Thank you , Ravan .

New born baby

The new flower is coming soon of red dark rose this is generally I do when it's growing I just like to see how they growing slowly slowly  Just like human baby this is how all things are working in this world and  I love to watch how this world are growing day by day in any field in chemical field or industrial field or even in relationship also growing like that slowly slowly and at the end your bonding is so hard to break like that