
Combretum indicum

Always be happy no matter what happened in uour life and always be happy because always remember this is a day this passes and one other day will come with full of happiness and love Thank you , Ravan .

Red and green leaves

This is a leaf and always be a leaf no one notice them but still they are protect the flowers  Thank you , Ravan .

New born baby

The new flower is coming soon of red dark rose this is generally I do when it's growing I just like to see how they growing slowly slowly  Just like human baby this is how all things are working in this world and  I love to watch how this world are growing day by day in any field in chemical field or industrial field or even in relationship also growing like that slowly slowly and at the end your bonding is so hard to break like that 

Dead leaf

I just want to say that all plants Have their life  They are also like human  They also have their personal life like a human  I know this sounds like crazy but believe me they also have their personal life  This dead leaf told us that the life is so  Beutyfull that we all know that one day life will going to be end but still we are leaving happily just because we know that this is the real time to enjoy your life you don't need to stop your self by doing anything this life is full of joys just enjoy because on day we all are going to die so don't worry about death just leave happily :)

Root of plant


Catharanthus roseus


Catharanthus roseus






Dark rose

The  rose  is a type of  flowering   shrub . Its name comes from the  Latin  word  Rosa . [1]  The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors, from the well-known red rose or yellow roses and sometimes white or purple roses. Roses belong to the  family  of plants called  Rosaceae . All roses were originally wild and they come from several parts of the world,  North America ,  Europe , northwest  Africa  and many parts of  Asia  and  Oceania . There are over 100 different  species  of roses. The wild rose species can be grown in gardens, but most garden roses are  cultivars , which have been chosen by people. [2]